My Christmas Visit to New Orleans, 2004

This is my sister having a delightful time in the snow. This is the second time in her life she'd seen it, and it was on Christmas Day. Taken right outside my Mom's apartment's back porch.
Clockwise, from 9 o'clock, Dan, Nina, Mom, Dad, and Rebecca. This is the most immediate family I've ever had in one place. As you can see, many many great gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Vicki, Mr. Bobby, Mom, and Rebecca.. Taken at Mr. Bobby's house. If you look below, you will see a room with him wearing a red jumpsuit, and a very barren hardwood floor. This is that same room.
This is my cousin Stacey standing in front of her (and Drew's... HAHA! Get it? And-Drew? Get it?) beautiful house's fireplace. I was so busy taking pictures of her house and her cat, that I forgot to take a picture of her. I feel like such a dolt, but she did manage to squeeze into this one.
This is their great cat, Nimbus. The majority of the time I visited, was spent trying to make the cat act as crazy as possible. Here is a little rabbit's foot thing on the end of a fishing pole. There was also a remote controlled mouse that worked really well, but not as good as was normal. Stacey assured me the cat was unusually sedate.